Canvas tote bags are environmentally-friendly and stylish. BloomChic is offering a free tote bag with purchase that we hope you will love and use often, whether it's for grocery shopping, a beach trip or picnic, or anything else. We are proud to employ teams of designers that are able to really pinpoint the next trend and create an assortment that is less about volume and inventory, and more about giving our customer exactly what she wants. This keeps our production and manufacturing efficient, which means less aged inventory that ends up in landfills.
This bag is versatile, roomy, and fashion-forward. We also couldn't help but add our brand's core message and philosophy to each bag, which is that every woman is beautiful, worthy, and the heroine of her own story. We pride ourselves on staying on-trend with our designs. However, we also make sure to incorporate seasonal trends into our designs in such a way, that they retain a timeless appeal. BloomChic clothing is not meant to be worn a few times, then tossed aside. Our quality and designs stand the test of time, and are meant to be worn again and again.
BloomChic is a plus-size fashion brand that advocates for sustainability. Thus, offering customers eco-friendly canvas tote bags (free with purchase!) was a no-brainer. These bags can be used for grocery shopping, beach trips, picnics, and other casual outings. BloomChic's stylish, sustainable totes also feature positive affirmations that will inspire all who see them. Tote-ally worth it.
At BloomChic, We believe that all women should have access to on-trend and stylish clothing. Plus-size women, in particular, have not always been able to find fashionable, affordable clothing that fit them. This lack of accessibility has resulted in a disconnect between brands and consumers. At BloomChic, we hope to bridge that gap and give women access to clothing that makes them look good to feel good.