In the third episode of A Re-Imagining series, we meet Kerissa Poss, a resilient children's book author in Texas. Kerissa has bravely navigated emotional, spiritual, and mental challenges to reconstruct her identity.

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For Kerissa, Re-Imagining means surrounding herself with the right people and, most importantly, "choosing me"—loving and caring for herself.

 Growing up in a highly sheltered, patriarchal environment, Kerissa moved nine times since seventh grade, often finding herself in predominantly white areas, which contributed to her struggles with self-image and acceptance stemming from racism and societal expectations.

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Now at a pivotal stage in her life, Kerissa is ready to embrace motherhood. BloomChic has played a significant role in helping her feel more optimistic about her body, allowing her to dress however she wants, even if it sometimes means stepping out of her comfort zone.

In BloomChic outfits, she often feels like she is "stepping into a new skin," finding curvy and mid to plus-size dresses both flattering and stylish.

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Now at a pivotal stage in her life, Kerissa is ready to embrace motherhood. BloomChic has played a significant role in helping her feel more optimistic about her body, allowing her to dress however she wants, even if it sometimes means stepping out of her comfort zone.

 In BloomChic outfits, she often feels like she is "stepping into a new skin," finding curvy and mid to plus-size dresses both flattering and stylish.

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"I guess I’m in my dress era right now,"
Kerissa says with a smile. Like you and me, she cherishes the compliments she receives about her attire.

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"I guess I’m in my dress era right now," Kerissa says with a smile. Like you and me, she cherishes the compliments she receives about her attire.

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Being around children has been a vital part of her identity. Kerissa has developed a strong sense of advocacy for children. Her book is a testament to her dedication to fostering mental health and creating a safer, more inclusive community.

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"I want kids to have literature that they can see themselves in and be proud of themselves,"
Kerissa shares, as she didn't find books like that while growing up.

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Join us as we listen to her candid reflections on resilience, self-love, and the transformative power of re-imagining one's life.

Kerissa's quite the fashionista.
Shop her looks:

"BloomChic has helped me so much on my journey for self-discovery and feeling confident in the way I look and the things that I wear."