In the fifth episode of "A Re-Imagining," we meet Jasmyne Cannick, a remarkable politician and journalist from Los Angeles. Her life story is a testament to resilience, advocacy, and choosing your own self.

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Jasmyne grew up as a foster child and faced homelessness at one point in her life. These experiences have fueled her dedication to her community. "I love advocating for those who don't have a voice or a seat at the table," she emphasizes, believing that everyone deserves a place to call home.

With a desire to make a difference, Jasmyne has spent over two decades in politics, advocating on both national and global stages. She is driven by the belief that, "Community service is the rent you pay for your time on Earth."

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While spending time in the limelight, she never compromises on her style. For her, politics and fashion go hand in hand. This is the message she always conveys to women in her community: don’t let people tell you that you’re any less because you care about fashion.

"I love seeing plus-size women run for office; I love seeing them looking good on stage, as they should be," she said. She uses her unapologetically honest voice to tell women that they can work anywhere and still look fabulous!

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While spending time in the limelight, she never compromises on her style. For her, politics and fashion go hand in hand. This is the message she always conveys to women in her community: don’t let people tell you that you’re any less because you care about fashion.

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"I love seeing plus-size women run for office; I love seeing them looking good on stage, as they should be," she said. She uses her unapologetically honest voice to tell women that they can work anywhere and still look fabulous!

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During an online shopping spree at 2 a.m, she stumbled upon a BloomChic ad and was instantly 'sold.' This marked the beginning of her meaningful connection with the brand, which celebrates inclusivity and supports women of all sizes. One of the reasons she accepted their invitation to join a focus group meetup in LA was her admiration for the brand's commitment to understanding its customers' needs.

During an online shopping spree at 2 a.m, she stumbled upon a BloomChic ad and was instantly 'sold.' This marked the beginning of her meaningful connection with the brand, which celebrates inclusivity and supports women of all sizes. One of the reasons she accepted their invitation to join a focus group meetup in LA was her admiration for the brand's commitment to understanding its customers' needs.

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For her, styles that can seamlessly transition from the boardroom to dinner are a hit. She proposed workwear idea to the brand, and a few months later, she was thrilled to see their new functional workwear collection, "Curves Re-imagined work edit."

"Oh look, they heard my opinion, and I take pride in knowing that I had something to do with that," she exclaimed.

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For her, styles that can seamlessly transition from the boardroom to dinner are a hit. She proposed workwear idea to the brand, and a few months later, she was thrilled to see their new functional workwear collection, "Curves Re-imagined work edit."

"Oh look, they heard my opinion, and I take pride in knowing that I had something to do with that," she exclaimed.

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Feeling comfortable with who she is, inside and out, has truly been a journey for her, with fashion playing a supporting role.

"Every day I wake up, I re-imagine who I am and the difference I can make today," Jasmyne reflects.

Similarly, she advises women that life is not a dress rehearsal, so if there's an outfit they want to wear, they should go for it.

Join us as we listen to her inspiring story of how she chose to make a difference herself through fashion and watch her slay in styles from our "Curves Reimagined; work edit

Feeling comfortable with who she is, inside and out, has truly been a journey for her, with fashion playing a supporting role.

"Every day I wake up, I re-imagine who I am and the difference I can make today," Jasmyne reflects.

Similarly, she advises women that life is not a dress rehearsal, so if there's an outfit they want to wear, they should go for it.

Join us as we listen to her inspiring story of how she chose to make a difference herself through fashion and watch her slay in styles from our "Curves Reimagined; work edit

Jasmyne's quite the fashionista.
Shop her looks:

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Overlap Collar Geometric Belted Midi Dress


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No-Gape Buttons Stretch Woven Blouse


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GeometricPatchwork Tie Knot Split Hem Dress


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No-Gape Buttons Slim Fit Stretch Woven Blouse


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Solid Metal Detail Split Hem Sleeveless Dress


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Stretch Woven Pleated Elastic Waist Pants


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