Tropic Fiesta Concept0411 (1).jpg__PID:1b9a95ca-49a1-4a07-b741-85049210669bTropic Fiesta Concept0411 (4).jpg__PID:9a95ca49-a1ba-4777-8185-049210669b66

Featuring this year's first BloomChic summer capsule that centers around the exotic flower patterns and breezy allure of tropical islands, designed to bring symphonies of that tropical beauty into your wardrobe.

Tropic Fiesta Concept0411 (2).jpg__PID:ca49a1ba-0777-4185-8492-10669b66a155

BloomChic wants you to embrace these lightweight, heat-friendly fabrics and pull these effortless styles to give your body a well-deserved break, whether running across the sandy beaches in flowy silhouettes, sippping in fresh juices, or dancing under the stars at a lively bonfire party with your friends. Let's fall in love with ourselves repeatedly in these flowy silhouettes.

Tropic Fiesta Concept0411 (3).jpg__PID:49a1ba07-7741-4504-9210-669b66a155ae

For our designers, this is more than just another summer getaway collection; it is a tribute to the free-spirited nature of women around us, who don't shy away from new adventures, just like the exotic allure of tropical islands, lush floral textures infused with the radiant colors of island's sun-drenched landscapes showcasing attributes of abundance and diversity. Like those tropical blooms and the sunkissed shores, we want you to escape into an experience of a tropical feel in these BloomChic mid to plus-size,budget friendly dresses infused with earthy greens, oceanic blues, and exotic colors of tropical flowers with different whimsical patterns we picked from nature to celebrate the unspoken resilience of how it accepts the diversity in it, just like you all illuminate your surroundings through your curves and individuality, refusing to fit into rigid beauty standards set by our society.

Tropic Fiesta Concept0411 (3).jpg__PID:49a1ba07-7741-4504-9210-669b66a155ae
Tropic Fiesta Concept0411 (5).jpg__PID:ba077741-8504-4210-a69b-66a155ae67fbTropic Fiesta Concept0411 (5).jpg__PID:ba077741-8504-4210-a69b-66a155ae67fb

Key elements our designers focused on for this collection:

Tropic Fiesta (4).jpg__PID:431855a6-dde3-4ec0-806e-17201e2e1556

Hand-painted fabrics showcase nature's diversity and organic beauty, just like subtle feminine beauty.

Tropic Fiesta (3).jpg__PID:f5431855-a6dd-43be-80c0-6e17201e2e15

Tropical Plants - Leafy patterns are just like the flowy silhouettes crafted in this collection and aim to add an excellent effect to this summer collection.

Tropic Fiesta (2).jpg__PID:07f54318-55a6-4de3-bec0-c06e17201e2e

Coconut Trees - Whimsical patterns of coconut trees symbolize resilience and growth to thrive in adverse environments.

Tropic Fiesta (1).jpg__PID:6507f543-1855-46dd-a3be-c0c06e17201e

Free-spirited Nature - Modern women who don't shy away from self-expression and illuminating their communities with their confident, feminine aura, just like the tropical coasts, which we all love just the way each element is created.

Tropic Fiesta (4).jpg__PID:431855a6-dde3-4ec0-806e-17201e2e1556

Hand-painted fabrics showcase nature's diversity and organic beauty, just like subtle feminine beauty.

Tropic Fiesta (3).jpg__PID:f5431855-a6dd-43be-80c0-6e17201e2e15

Tropical Plants - Leafy patterns are just like the flowy silhouettes crafted in this collection and aim to add an excellent effect to this summer collection.

Tropic Fiesta (2).jpg__PID:07f54318-55a6-4de3-bec0-c06e17201e2e

Coconut Trees - Whimsical patterns of coconut trees symbolize resilience and growth to thrive in adverse environments

Tropic Fiesta (1).jpg__PID:6507f543-1855-46dd-a3be-c0c06e17201e

Free-spirited Nature - Modern women who don't shy away from self-expression and illuminating their communities with their confident, feminine aura, just like the tropical coasts, which we all love just the way each element is created.

New Arrivals

Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (3).jpg__PID:a32b0d1b-d87e-428a-bb97-a13825f4c118
Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (2).jpg__PID:a6a32b0d-1bd8-4e52-8a7b-97a13825f4c1
Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (4).jpg__PID:2b0d1bd8-7e52-4a7b-97a1-3825f4c1180d

The unheard, passionate affair of hand-painted coconut patterns onto a vibrant pink palette evokes in it the playful co-existing nature of tropical vegetation and how it lets us appreciate the breathtaking diversity of nature, just like you do with your individuality! This BloomChic flowy silhouette has a tie-waist belt to accentuate your curves and provide extra bust support, giving off classy vibes in the hot summer.

Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress


Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (1).jpg__PID:e1a6a32b-0d1b-487e-928a-7b97a13825f4
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (1).jpg__PID:1bd87e52-8a7b-47a1-b825-f4c1180d2bdb
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (4).jpg__PID:528a7b97-a138-45f4-8118-0d2bdb224683
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (3).JPG__PID:7e528a7b-97a1-4825-b4c1-180d2bdb2246
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (2).jpg__PID:d87e528a-7b97-4138-a5f4-c1180d2bdb22

This clustered floral dress is infused with red, blue, and green hues against the black background, giving warm summer vibes; this plus-size dress is perfect for your next sunkissed photo for your Instagram story. The flowy skirt is tailored to provide a refreshing feminine feel on those extra sunny days while you soak in the sun and enjoy yourself with your friends and family.

Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress


Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (3).jpg__PID:a13825f4-c118-4d2b-9b22-468394a7b48e
Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (2).JPG__PID:97a13825-f4c1-480d-abdb-22468394a7b4
Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (4).jpg__PID:3825f4c1-180d-4bdb-a246-8394a7b48e0d

This maxi-length BloomChic dress is a floral fantasy due to its abstract block flower pattern on a multicolor palette, just like those butterflies in your stomach on a warm day on a romantic date by the lake. The textured top of the dress is designed to fit busts of varying sizes, with a waist-cinching silhouette and cap sleeves, a perfect mix of timeless elegance and confidence to be yourself.

Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress


Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (1).jpg__PID:7b97a138-25f4-4118-8d2b-db22468394a7
Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (1).jpg__PID:e1a6a32b-0d1b-487e-928a-7b97a13825f4
Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (3).jpg__PID:a32b0d1b-d87e-428a-bb97-a13825f4c118
Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (2).jpg__PID:a6a32b0d-1bd8-4e52-8a7b-97a13825f4c1
Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress (4).jpg__PID:2b0d1bd8-7e52-4a7b-97a1-3825f4c1180d

The unheard, passionate affair of hand-painted coconut patterns onto a vibrant pink palette evokes in it the playful co-existing nature of tropical vegetation and how it lets us appreciate the breathtaking diversity of nature, just like you do with your individuality! This BloomChic flowy silhouette has a tie-waist belt to accentuate your curves and provide extra bust support, giving off classy vibes in the hot summer.

Tropical Hand Painted Pink Belt Gathered Dress

Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (1).jpg__PID:1bd87e52-8a7b-47a1-b825-f4c1180d2bdb
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (4).jpg__PID:528a7b97-a138-45f4-8118-0d2bdb224683
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (3).JPG__PID:7e528a7b-97a1-4825-b4c1-180d2bdb2246
Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress (2).jpg__PID:d87e528a-7b97-4138-a5f4-c1180d2bdb22

This clustered floral dress is infused with red, blue, and green hues against the black background, giving warm summer vibes; this plus-size dress is perfect for your next sunkissed photo for your Instagram story. The flowy skirt is tailored to provide a refreshing feminine feel on those extra sunny days while you soak in the sun and enjoy yourself with your friends and family.

Floral Printed Patchwork Halter Neck Dress

Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (1).jpg__PID:7b97a138-25f4-4118-8d2b-db22468394a7
Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (3).jpg__PID:a13825f4-c118-4d2b-9b22-468394a7b48e
Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (2).JPG__PID:97a13825-f4c1-480d-abdb-22468394a7b4
Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress (4).jpg__PID:3825f4c1-180d-4bdb-a246-8394a7b48e0d

This maxi-length BloomChic dress is a floral fantasy due to its abstract block flower pattern on a multicolor palette, just like those butterflies in your stomach on a warm day on a romantic date by the lake. The textured top of the dress is designed to fit busts of varying sizes, with a waist-cinching silhouette and cap sleeves, a perfect mix of timeless elegance and confidence to be yourself.

Multicolor Floral Textured Top Cap Sleeve Dress

Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (1).jpg__PID:f4c1180d-2bdb-4246-8394-a7b48e0d5803
Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (4).jpg__PID:0d2bdb22-4683-44a7-b48e-0d580333547f
Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (3).JPG__PID:180d2bdb-2246-4394-a7b4-8e0d58033354
Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (2).jpg__PID:c1180d2b-db22-4683-94a7-b48e0d580333

Features the flirty triangular curve from the bust to the waist and elegantly cinched flowy puffy half sleeves perfect for curvy women this summer, with a splash of vibrant colors against the solid navy background, letting those exotic turtle leaves pop while accentuating your curves. You can pair this dress with your new sandals that have been impatiently waiting in your wardrobe.

Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress


Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (2).jpg__PID:22468394-a7b4-4e0d-9803-33547f1c42fe
Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (4).jpg__PID:8394a7b4-8e0d-4803-b354-7f1c42fef878
Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (3).jpg__PID:468394a7-b48e-4d58-8333-547f1c42fef8

Slide into this artistic fusion of bamboo patterns which is a treat to cool your eyes and body this warm summer. This flowy dress comes in busts of varrying sizes featuring a camisole design that enhances your freedom of movement when you are on vacation prioritizing comfort and playfulness. It is highlighted with uniquely designed pockets, making it easier for you to carry your must-haves and capture your beachy moments. Its a striking contrast of vibrant color palette with lotus leaves. What more can you ask for from your next holiday dress if not this?

Bamboo Print Camisole Shape Front Pocket Dress


Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (1).jpg__PID:db224683-94a7-448e-8d58-0333547f1c42
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (1).jpg__PID:a7b48e0d-5803-4354-bf1c-42fef878a400
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (4).JPG__PID:0d580333-547f-4c42-bef8-78a400cd29ea
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (3).JPG__PID:8e0d5803-3354-4f1c-82fe-f878a400cd29
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (2).JPG__PID:b48e0d58-0333-447f-9c42-fef878a400cd

You cannot separate the essence of exquisite flowers from the tropical leaves; otherwise, it would be an incomplete summer affair. The white and green palette conveys the cooling effect of the greens in our atmosphere on those extra sunny days. The lotus leaf cut from the collar up to your waist gives this dress an extra touch of feminity with extra bust support, highlighting your neckline while you tan in the sun and enjoy those tropical fruits on your next picnic or even for your everyday wear.

Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress


Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (1).jpg__PID:f4c1180d-2bdb-4246-8394-a7b48e0d5803
Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (4).jpg__PID:0d2bdb22-4683-44a7-b48e-0d580333547f
Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (3).JPG__PID:180d2bdb-2246-4394-a7b4-8e0d58033354
Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress (2).jpg__PID:c1180d2b-db22-4683-94a7-b48e0d580333

Features the flirty triangular curve from the bust to the waist and elegantly cinched flowy puffy half sleeves perfect for curvy women this summer, with a splash of vibrant colors against the solid navy background, letting those exotic turtle leaves pop while accentuating your curves. You can pair this dress with your new sandals that have been impatiently waiting in your wardrobe.

Tropical Leaves Surplice Neck Half Sleeves Dress

Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (1).jpg__PID:db224683-94a7-448e-8d58-0333547f1c42
Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (2).jpg__PID:22468394-a7b4-4e0d-9803-33547f1c42fe
Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (4).jpg__PID:8394a7b4-8e0d-4803-b354-7f1c42fef878
Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress (3).jpg__PID:468394a7-b48e-4d58-8333-547f1c42fef8

Slide into this artistic fusion of bamboo patterns which is a treat to cool your eyes and body this warm summer. This flowy dress comes in busts of varrying sizes featuring a camisole design that enhances your freedom of movement when you are on vacation prioritizing comfort and playfulness. It is highlighted with uniquely designed pockets, making it easier for you to carry your must-haves and capture your beachy moments. Its a striking contrast of vibrant color palette with lotus leaves. What more can you ask for from your next holiday dress if not this?

Bamboo Print Camisole Shapes Front Pocket Dress

Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (1).jpg__PID:a7b48e0d-5803-4354-bf1c-42fef878a400
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (4).JPG__PID:0d580333-547f-4c42-bef8-78a400cd29ea
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (3).JPG__PID:8e0d5803-3354-4f1c-82fe-f878a400cd29
Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress (2).JPG__PID:b48e0d58-0333-447f-9c42-fef878a400cd

You cannot separate the essence of exquisite flowers from the tropical leaves; otherwise, it would be an incomplete summer affair. The white and green palette conveys the cooling effect of the greens in our atmosphere on those extra sunny days. The lotus leaf cut from the collar up to your waist gives this dress an extra touch of feminity with extra bust support, highlighting your neckline while you tan in the sun and enjoy those tropical fruits on your next picnic or even for your everyday wear.

Leafy Print Wide Collar Dress

Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (3).jpg__PID:547f1c42-fef8-48a4-80cd-29eaf50fe665
Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (2).JPG__PID:33547f1c-42fe-4878-a400-cd29eaf50fe6
Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (4).jpg__PID:7f1c42fe-f878-4400-8d29-eaf50fe66558

This whimsical coconut tree patterned dress inspired by ocean blues to sunset oranges reflects the tropical vibes. The energy you absorb while sipping in fresh coconut water on those local islands is the perfect definition of a blissful aura; this plus size dress compliments your holiday vibes with its unique neck twist halter, flattering your neckline and giving it a romantic allure with a waist-cinching belt, stitched in with comfy pockets to make it more versatile for varying body sizes.

Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress


Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (1).jpg__PID:0333547f-1c42-4ef8-b8a4-00cd29eaf50f
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (1).jpg__PID:42fef878-a400-4d29-aaf5-0fe66558412f
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (3).jpg__PID:f878a400-cd29-4af5-8fe6-6558412fce36
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (2).jpg__PID:fef878a4-00cd-49ea-b50f-e66558412fce
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (4).jpg__PID:78a400cd-29ea-450f-a665-58412fce3653

Reflecting the wilderness of tropical trees this full-length dress has a white whimsical coconut tree pattern combined with a unique halter neckline and stretchable wait silhouette perfect for giving extra comfort for varying bust sizes so you can run freely while you escape your city routine. Doesn't this color palette perfectly fuse seasonal elegance with flowy grace?

Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress


Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (1).jpg__PID:0333547f-1c42-4ef8-b8a4-00cd29eaf50f
Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (3).jpg__PID:547f1c42-fef8-48a4-80cd-29eaf50fe665
Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (2).JPG__PID:33547f1c-42fe-4878-a400-cd29eaf50fe6
Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress (4).jpg__PID:7f1c42fe-f878-4400-8d29-eaf50fe66558

This whimsical coconut tree patterned dress inspired by ocean blues to sunset oranges reflects the tropical vibes. The energy you absorb while sipping in fresh coconut water on those local islands is the perfect definition of a blissful aura; this plus size dress compliments your holiday vibes with its unique neck twist halter, flattering your neckline and giving it a romantic allure with a waist-cinching belt, stitched in with comfy pockets to make it more versatile for varying body sizes.

Coconut Halter Belted Twist Front Pocket Dress

Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (1).jpg__PID:42fef878-a400-4d29-aaf5-0fe66558412f
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (3).jpg__PID:f878a400-cd29-4af5-8fe6-6558412fce36
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (2).jpg__PID:fef878a4-00cd-49ea-b50f-e66558412fce
Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress (4).jpg__PID:78a400cd-29ea-450f-a665-58412fce3653

Reflecting the wilderness of tropical trees this full-length dress has a white whimsical coconut tree pattern combined with a unique halter neckline and stretchable wait silhouette perfect for giving extra comfort for varying bust sizes so you can run freely while you escape your city routine. Doesn't this color palette perfectly fuse seasonal elegance with flowy grace?

Green Coconut Pattern Front Pocket Dress