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Introducing The Aura Capsule: workwear essentials for the modern woman. Our meticulously designed pieces blend sophistication with functionality, ensuring you command attention in every professional setting. This capsule ensures that you can embrace your individuality and let your presence shine.
At the heart of the capsule are our dresses, each designed to embody confidence and elegance. It's not just about dressing for the job you have, but celebrating the woman you are.

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New Arrivals

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Crafted with premium fabric, its tailored silhouette exudes confidence, while the leopard print adds a bold touch. The elegant ruffle hem brings femininity, making it a versatile statement piece for any professional occasion.

Leopard Print Suit Collar Ruffle Hem Dress


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组 15.jpg__PID:b53cae6d-9b9a-4a56-9a4f-4693d03767c0
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组 18.jpg__PID:6d9b9a9a-565a-4f46-93d0-3767c0416846

Featuring a timeless striped pattern and a sophisticated shirt collar, this dress exudes professionalism with a touch of elegance. The belted waist adds definition to the silhouette, while the button-up design adds versatility. Perfect for both formal and casual settings, this dress is a wardrobe essential for the modern woman.

Striped Belted Shirt Collar Button Up Dress


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With its minimalist design and practical pockets, this dress combines simplicity with functionality. Perfect for any occasion, it offers effortless elegance and convenience. Whether dressed up with accessories or worn as it is, this dress is a timeless wardrobe staple for the modern woman.

Plain Sleeveless Button Detail Pocket Dress


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组 36.jpg__PID:93d03767-c041-4846-a9ce-dcc0a20db757

Epitomizing sophistication and functionality with its refined button detailing and elegant pleated hem. Perfect for any professional setting, this gorgeous dress empowers you with confidence and grace.

Solid Button Detail Notched Pleated Hem Dress


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This dress seamlessly blends modern elegance with a touch of edgy sophistication. With its eye-catching geometric metal chain detail accentuating the belted waist, it adds a bold and contemporary flair to your look. Versatile enough for both professional and social settings, this dress ensures you stand out with confidence and style.

Geometric Metal Chain Detail Belted Dress


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组 26.jpg__PID:cedcc0a2-0db7-4757-aa68-54c3d81b5be1
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组 29.jpg__PID:a20db757-572a-4854-83d8-1b5be1b0c614

This dress exudes modern elegance with its sleek round neckline and chic metal chain detailing. Crafted to stand out, it effortlessly combines style with sophistication, making it the perfect choice for any occasion. Whether it's a formal event or a casual outing, this dress ensures you make a statement with confidence and grace.

Round Neck Metal Chain Detail Dress


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组 33.jpg__PID:6854c3d8-1b5b-41b0-8614-b9bb78efc20e

Merging timeless polka dot charm with contemporary sophistication. This dress features a classic shirt collar and pockets, offering you both style and functionality. Perfect for any occasion, aim to bring out your confidence and elegance effortlessly.

Polka Dot Shirt Collar Pocket Button Up Dress


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组 12.jpg__PID:5e8dd24f-b53c-4e6d-9b9a-9a565a4f4693

Crafted with premium fabric, its tailored silhouette exudes confidence, while the leopard print adds a bold touch. The elegant ruffle hem brings femininity, making it a versatile statement piece for any professional occasion.

Leopard Print Suit Collar Ruffle Hem Dress

组 15.jpg__PID:b53cae6d-9b9a-4a56-9a4f-4693d03767c0
组 16.jpg__PID:3cae6d9b-9a9a-465a-8f46-93d03767c041
组 17.jpg__PID:ae6d9b9a-9a56-4a4f-8693-d03767c04168
组 18.jpg__PID:6d9b9a9a-565a-4f46-93d0-3767c0416846

Featuring a timeless striped pattern and a sophisticated shirt collar, this dress exudes professionalism with a touch of elegance. The belted waist adds definition to the silhouette, while the button-up design adds versatility. Perfect for both formal and casual settings, this dress is a wardrobe essential for the modern woman.

Striped Belted Shirt Collar Button Up Dress

组 19.jpg__PID:9a9a565a-4f46-43d0-b767-c0416846a9ce
组 20.jpg__PID:9a565a4f-4693-4037-a7c0-416846a9cedc
组 21.jpg__PID:565a4f46-93d0-4767-8041-6846a9cedcc0
组 43.jpg__PID:5a4f4693-d037-47c0-8168-46a9cedcc0a2

With its minimalist design and practical pockets, this dress combines simplicity with functionality. Perfect for any occasion, it offers effortless elegance and convenience. Whether dressed up with accessories or worn as it is, this dress is a timeless wardrobe staple for the modern woman.

Plain Sleeveless Button Detail Pocket Dress

组 35.jpg__PID:4693d037-67c0-4168-86a9-cedcc0a20db7
组 38.jpg__PID:3767c041-6846-49ce-9cc0-a20db757572a
组 37.jpg__PID:d03767c0-4168-46a9-8edc-c0a20db75757
组 36.jpg__PID:93d03767-c041-4846-a9ce-dcc0a20db757

Epitomizing sophistication and functionality with its refined button detailing and elegant pleated hem. Perfect for any professional setting, this gorgeous dress empowers you with confidence and grace.

Solid Button Detail Notched Pleated Hem Dress

组 23.jpg__PID:416846a9-cedc-40a2-8db7-57572a6854c3
组 22.jpg__PID:c0416846-a9ce-4cc0-a20d-b757572a6854
组 24.jpg__PID:d2ab55d2-ae91-4239-b2e3-3d311c5fa0d2
组 25.jpg__PID:ab55d2ae-9122-4932-a33d-311c5fa0d2c1

This dress seamlessly blends modern elegance with a touch of edgy sophistication. With its eye-catching geometric metal chain detail accentuating the belted waist, it adds a bold and contemporary flair to your look. Versatile enough for both professional and social settings, this dress ensures you stand out with confidence and style.

Geometric Metal Chain Detail Belted Dress

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组 27.jpg__PID:dcc0a20d-b757-472a-a854-c3d81b5be1b0
组 28.jpg__PID:c0a20db7-5757-4a68-94c3-d81b5be1b0c6
组 29.jpg__PID:a20db757-572a-4854-83d8-1b5be1b0c614

This dress exudes modern elegance with its sleek round neckline and chic metal chain detailing. Crafted to stand out, it effortlessly combines style with sophistication, making it the perfect choice for any occasion. Whether it's a formal event or a casual outing, this dress ensures you make a statement with confidence and grace.

Round Neck Metal Chain Detail Dress

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组 30.jpg__PID:57572a68-54c3-481b-9be1-b0c614b9bb78
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组 33.jpg__PID:6854c3d8-1b5b-41b0-8614-b9bb78efc20e

Merging timeless polka dot charm with contemporary sophistication. This dress features a classic shirt collar and pockets, offering you both style and functionality. Perfect for any occasion, aim to bring out your confidence and elegance effortlessly.

Polka Dot Shirt Collar Pocket Button Up Dress